action of sex is so shameful
all is fair and war fair
most poisonus gift ever, war
wrapping the body, as fast, as the mission is to kill
who makes sinn now?
The ones who are akt , or the ones who act?
the ones who are baden aren't bad
they all taste on some fragment of issue
but they can only taste in English
hence this is English
except some words
which are only fucking with you .
Ger Weil WEIL,(conj) Eng because (conj)
Ger war WAR, Eng was, to be
Ger s Gift{s} GIFT,(noun)
die < Gifts, Gifte > Eng poison (noun)
Ger fast FAST,(adj.)
Eng soon (adj.)
Ger r Sinn{r} SINN,(noun)
die < Sinns, Sinne > Eng sense (noun)
Ger r Akt{r} AKT,(noun)
die < Akts, Akte > Eng nude (noun)
Ger baden BADEN,(vr)
< badete, gat gebadet> Eng to bathe (vr)
Ger schlecht SCHLECHT,(adj.)
< schlechter, schlechtest> Eng bad (adj.)
Ger schmecken SCHMECKEN,(vr.)
< schmeckst, schmeckte, hat geschmeckt>
Eng to taste (vr.)
Ger e Taste{e}TASTE,(noun)
< Taste, Tasten > Eng button (noun)
Ger englischENGLISCH,(adj)
Eng English (adj.)
Ger fickenFICKEN,(verb)
< fickte, hat gefickt > Eng to fuck (verb)
Ger duDU,(pronoun)
Eng you (pronoun)